Potions 101 Cheat Sheet for Medicinal Teas, Oils, Syrups, Salves, and Tinctures

I created a little cheat sheet for some of the basics so I could have an easy reference on hand for these, hopefully it’s helpful to you too!

(Text version below:)

Potions 101 Cheat Sheet
Teas, Syrups, Oils, Salves, and Tinctures

Infusions and Decoctions
Infusions: Made from the most delicate part of the plant (flowers, leaves, buds, berries, or seeds)
Decoctions: Made from the fibrous parts of the plant, slowly simmered. Roots, nuts, bark, twigs, some seeds.

Add sweetener to a decoction at a 1:1 ratio (maple syrup, honey, or vegetable glycerin). Cook over high heat for 20-30 minutes until liquid is halved. Stores for several weeks in refrigerator.

Use extra virgin olive oil for internal oils. Chop dry herbs and place them with oil in the top of a double broiler, simmer gently for 30 minutes. Strain with cheese cloth. Keeps for several months.

Start with medicinal oil. For each cup, add ¼ cup beeswax. Heat together until wax is melted. Test consistency by placing 1tbsp in freezer for 2 minutes, add more oil if too hard, more wax if too soft. Keeps several months.

Chop dry herbs and pour alcohol, vinegar, or vegetable glycerin 2-3 inches over herbs and seal. Shake daily for 2 weeks. Keeps for 1 year or more.

source: Medicinal Herbs by Rosemary Gladstar

Featured Photo by Loverna Journey on Unsplash

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